Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Part 03

Silent Redears, I Do Not Appreciate Your Silence !


In situations like this, I would never EVER be the one who pleads for an excuse for the others actions.
So when Sarah decided that she wanted to take a whole week to let me know its over, I gave her the whole damn week to trample on her lame-ass-pride, fall on her knee’s and say “sorry its over”. (in a text!)
She never gave me a reason, for I never asked.

Let me paint you this pretty picture, I Hamda go to the same university as the girl I loved with every ounce of my being. Ever since I was in this university, she was right infront of me to keep company when I had my daily coffee, there when I stressed out over projects and hugged me a thousand times a day. So imagine how I had to see her everyday, she the one you made university hell on earth (literally), for around a month I didn’t have the strength to “asalem 3alaiha” whenever I saw her around. One morning I saw Sarah approaching me from I distance, I quickly put my shades on and continued to walk to class.

Sarah: Heeey

-with the usual kiss on the cheek, like nothing ever happened-

Hamda: Halla

-In a low squeaky voice, I couldn’t breathe-

And that was it! I don’t understand what the hell goes thru this mind of hers. But eventually 9ar shay 3adi, 9arat kil yoom tet3ana mn wherever w tyeeny to say HI .. Gimme that kiss and walk away. Nothing else no texts no calls just that !

Meaningless much?

La sh3ooreeyan..9ar hal Hi w hal kiss the highlight of my day, I’d wake up every morning wanting to go to university coz I wanted that.
One day, that whole routine happened in a slightly different way.

Sarah : Heey

-with the “kiss”-

Hamada: Halla

Sarah: oh! You’re wearing the braclet I gave you ?

Hamda: uuh yeah, I meant to take it off

Sarah: Hungry?

Hamda: Im fine

-I walked away-

Sarah: I know your class starts in half an hour, coffee won’t hurt

-aah galbi
Hamda: ok

We sat in an area which was a little further away from everyone. None of us ordered anything, by know it was pretty obvious that it wasn’t about food, she had something to say. We sat on opposite ends of the table .. she just stared at me for like a minute. AKWARD, but I looked away.

Sarah: look at me

Hamda: I cant

Sarah: why not ?

Hamda: you tell me !

Sarah: Babe we obviously need to talk

Hamda: yeah..and?

Sarah: you don’t have questions?

Hamda: No .. None

Sarah: Well, my ex and I are not back together

Hamda: aha

Sarah: umm and that’s it so why aren’t we talking ?

Hamda: *in a sarcastic tone* Soooo, you visit this person coz apparently she gave
birth 6 months pregnant .. and after that you completely change like estwaity ensana thanya .. really ta9arfatech dont make any fucking sense

Sarah: so all this time ma3rafty you tell me this?

Hamda: Msh shay ydeed

Sarah: ok now honestly that night when I didn’t call you, what did you think?

Hamda: honestly? Ena galbch 7ann

-no reaction from Sarah-

Hamda: Im late for class

-I got up to leave-

Sarah: wait .. so just like that its over?

Hamda: everyone one in uni seems to thinks so !!
Its been over for a month!

As I walked away my head crowed with thoughts, I don’t know how I had the strength to say all that, all the confidence. It felt good, but it was painful how it just ended .. till this day the reason for the break-up wasn’t ever explained.
All I needed was closure, And because I didn’t get that..i did the dumbest things ever

When you get out of a serious relationship, the first thing you think about is I need a rebound. Not me .. I had REBOUNDS .. I jumped from one girl to the other .. and called them my “projects” fucked them up on purpose.

Awal shay I make sure that shes stupid and unconfident, which makes it easier for me to make her fall in love me, then she does !! then ama9e5rha shway che 3an 5a6ry, stop talking to her w ba3dain shes officially emotionally fucked.

I know, I know I was cruel.

But seriously, what goes around .. comes back around and bites you!

It all started on the day of my birthday when I met her, Salama. My friends t me a surprise birthday, remember my bestie? Shamma? Well Salama is her sisters friend. Anyways she was there. It was a mini party of 10. After blowing out my candles, I felt a bit woozy. Could it be too much redbull?

Salama kept getting closer and closer, until I was practically sitting on top of her.

Salama: Sho t7seen

Hamda: What?

Salama: Ta3ali

Hamda: Huh? What?

I don’t remember what happens after that, My friends let me in on the details the day after. Apparently Salama snuck Vodka in my Redbull. :)

To Be Continued …


  1. aaahhhh Okaih and then ?
    im fuckin interested haha!

  2. lol, i was one of the "silent readers" bs i did this account to tell you that there are a lot of ppl reading silently x]

    gr8 job, im really interested to know whats coming up
    oh and btw, salama's annoying :D

  3. ana yaait =P

    maynfa3 t76eelna cliffhangers chi -.-
    ana at7amas =P

    ntraya the next post =D
    ur not giving up -.-
